United International UIP obtains the CE certificate and opens the doors for expansion in European markets

In a move that strengthens the international position of UIP United International Pharmaceutical Industries Co. as a leader in the field of pharmaceutical preparations and medical innovation, the company was able to obtain CE certification for a wide range of its medical products. This certificate is considered one of the most important international recognitions of the quality and safety of medical products, and allows the company to market and distribute its products in the European market.

The CE (Conformité Européene) certificate, which expresses a mark of conformity granted by the European authorities to medical products that meet the required health and safety standards. By obtaining this certificate, the company confirms its strong commitment to providing high quality products and their compliance with health standards and applicable European legislation.

Obtaining the CE certificate is a great achievement for the company, as it represents opening a new door for expansion in international markets and increasing competitiveness. Thanks to this certificate, the company will be able to export its medical products to the member states of the European Union, which opens up new opportunities for growth and expansion.

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