Virgin Plus Soap

Virgin Plus Soap

Natural Soap, contains no irritant detergents, effective against harmful bacterial and fungal infections, ensures a fresh cleansing action, with a touch of fragrance.

Virgin Plus Soap Specially formulated from natural ingredients used to treat vaginal infections and to reduce vaginal dryness & Itching, tightens the vagina muscles. Can be used for tightening the skin and body from flabbiness.




  1. Virgin Plus Soap helps in treating superficial fungal and bacterial infections especially in virgins & the symptoms of ubnormal secretion, itching, redness.
  2. Virgin Plus Soap used for tightening the skin and body from flabbiness.

Direction of use:

  • For Treatment: Wash the desired area and leave the foam for 3 minutes, then wash with water, to be used twice daily.
  • For tightening skin & body: it can be used as daily soap for all the body.



Solid Soap 125 gm.