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Stretch mark cream
Stretch mark cream
The time to work on your stretch marks during pregnancy starts the day you discover you are pregnant. Here you should be doing to prevent stretch marks and to reduce appearance if they have already started.
Stretch marks are small, depressed streaks in the skin that appear most often on the abdomen in the later stages of pregnancy when the belly is rapidly expanding to accommodate a growing baby. Some women also get them on their buttocks, thighs, hips, and breasts.
Stretch Mark Cream specially formulated from natural materials that helps to fade away those red, pink, or purplish streaks that appear across belly, hips, thighs, and breasts during and after pregnancy.
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Stretch nipple cream
Stretch nipple cream
Swollen, or sore breasts and/ or nipples – Often, this is the first physical sign of pregnancy. Increasing levels of hormones estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy cause increased blood flow and changes to the breast tissue. This increase can cause sore or sensitive nipples. As your body adjusts to the new surge of hormones the pain should subside.
Breastfeeding may make your nipples sore, but cracked and bleeding nipples are not a normal side effect of breastfeeding. Nursing isn’t meant to be painful; in fact, pain is a warning sign that you have a problem that needs correcting
Stretch Nipple cream especially formulated from natural materials that helps in relieving sore or cracked nipples, before and after the birth of your baby and relieves pain and allows the wounds to heal much faster without forming a scab to enjoy nursing.
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Varisil cream
Varisil cream
During pregnancy many women complain from varicose veins dilation of superficial veins in lower extremities that appear due to weakening of veins walls & due to increased press in abdominal cavity which leads to resisting the return of the blood from legs to the heart.
Varisil cream with unique advanced formula helps in relieving varicose veins or swollen blue or purple veins that may bulge near the surface of the skin in the legs especially during pregnancy.
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